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terra (version 1.7-83)

makeTiles: Make tiles or get their extents


Divide a SpatRaster into "tiles". The cells of another SpatRaster (normally with a much lower resolution) or a SpatVector with polygon geometry can be used to define the tiles. You can also provide one or two numbers to indicate the number of rows and columns per tile.

getTileExtents returns the extents of the (virtual) tiles, while makeTiles creates files for the tiles and returns their filenames.


# S4 method for SpatRaster
makeTiles(x, y, filename="tile_.tif", extend=FALSE,
		na.rm=FALSE, buffer=0, overwrite=FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for SpatRaster getTileExtents(x, y, extend=FALSE, buffer=0)


character (filenames) or matrix (extents)





SpatRaster or SpatVector defining the zones; or numeric specifying the number of rows and columns for each zone (1 or 2 numbers if the number of rows and columns is not the same)


character. Output filename template. Filenames will be altered by adding the tile number for each tile


logical. If TRUE, the extent of y is expanded to assure that it covers all of x


logical. If TRUE, tiles with only missing values are ignored


integer. The number of additional rows and columns added to each tile. Can be a single number, or two numbers to specify a separate number of rows and columns. This allows for creating overlapping tiles that can be used for computing spatial context dependent values with e.g. focal. The expansion is only inside x, no rows or columns outside of x are added


logical. If TRUE, existing tiles are overwritten; otherwise they are skipped (without error or warning)


additional arguments for writing files as in writeRaster

See Also

vrt to create a virtual raster from tiles and crop for sub-setting arbitrary parts of a SpatRaster.


Run this code
r <- rast(ncols=100, nrows=100)
values(r) <- 1:ncell(r)
x <- rast(ncols=2, nrows=2)

getTileExtents(r, x)
getTileExtents(r, x, buffer=3)

filename <- paste0(tempfile(), "_.tif")
ff <- makeTiles(r, x, filename)


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab