Name | Description |
aspect | aspect oriented grey colors |
bcyr | blue through cyan through yellow to red |
bgyr | blue through green through yellow to red |
blues | white to blue |
byg | blue through yellow to green |
byr | blue through yellow to red |
curvature | for terrain curvatures |
differences | differences oriented colors |
elevation | maps relative ranges of raster values to elevation color ramp |
grass | GRASS GIS green (perceptually uniform) |
greens | white to green |
grey | grey scale |
gyr | green through yellow to red |
haxby | relative colors for bathymetry or topography |
inferno | perceptually uniform sequential colors inferno |
magma | perceptually uniform sequential colors |
oranges | white to orange |
plasma | perceptually uniform sequential colors |
rainbow | rainbow colors |
ramp | color ramp |
random | random colors |
reds | white to red |
roygbiv | |
rstcurv | terrain curvature |
ryb | red through yellow to blue |
ryg | red through yellow to green |
sepia | yellowish-brown through to white |
viridis | perceptually uniform sequential colors |
water | water depth |
wave | color wave |