f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
r <- rast(f)
s <- spatSample(r, 10, as.raster=TRUE)
spatSample(r, 5)
spatSample(r, 5, na.rm=TRUE)
spatSample(r, 5, "regular")
## if you require cell numbers and/or coordinates
size <- 6
spatSample(r, 6, "random", cells=TRUE, xy=TRUE, values=FALSE)
# regular, with values
spatSample(r, 6, "regular", cells=TRUE, xy=TRUE)
# stratified
rr <- rast(ncol=10, nrow=10, names="stratum")
values(rr) <- round(runif(ncell(rr), 1, 3))
spatSample(rr, 2, "stratified", xy=TRUE)
s <- spatSample(rr, 5, "stratified", as.points=TRUE, each=FALSE)
plot(rr, plg=list(title="raster"))
plot(s, 1, add=TRUE, plg=list(x=185, y=1, title="points"), col=rainbow(5))
## SpatExtent
e <- ext(r)
spatSample(e, 10, "random", lonlat=TRUE)
## SpatVector
f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)
# sample the geometries
i <- sample(v, 3)
# sample points in geometries
p <- spatSample(v, 3)
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