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testthat (version 3.2.3)

JunitReporter: Test reporter: summary of errors in jUnit XML format.


This reporter includes detailed results about each test and summaries, written to a file (or stdout) in jUnit XML format. This can be read by the Jenkins Continuous Integration System to report on a dashboard etc. Requires the xml2 package.



To fit into the jUnit structure, context() becomes the <testsuite> name as well as the base of the <testcase> classname. The test_that() name becomes the rest of the <testcase> classname. The deparsed expect_that() call becomes the <testcase> name. On failure, the message goes into the <failure> node message argument (first line only) and into its text content (full message).

Execution time and some other details are also recorded.

References for the jUnit XML format: http://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter