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testthat (version 3.2.3)

ProgressReporter: Test reporter: interactive progress bar of errors.


ProgressReporter is designed for interactive use. Its goal is to give you actionable insights to help you understand the status of your code. This reporter also praises you from time-to-time if all your tests pass. It's the default reporter for test_dir().

ParallelProgressReporter is very similar to ProgressReporter, but works better for packages that want parallel tests.

CompactProgressReporter is a minimal version of ProgressReporter designed for use with single files. It's the default reporter for test_file().


See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter