Learn R Programming

testthat (version 3.2.3)

local_test_context: Locally set options for maximal test reproducibility


local_test_context() is run automatically by test_that() but you may want to run it yourself if you want to replicate test results interactively. If run inside a function, the effects are automatically reversed when the function exits; if running in the global environment, use withr::deferred_run() to undo.

local_reproducible_output() is run automatically by test_that() in the 3rd edition. You might want to call it to override the the default settings inside a test, if you want to test Unicode, coloured output, or a non-standard width.


local_test_context(.env = parent.frame())

local_reproducible_output( width = 80, crayon = FALSE, unicode = FALSE, rstudio = FALSE, hyperlinks = FALSE, lang = "C", .env = parent.frame() )



Environment to use for scoping; expert use only.


Value of the "width" option.


Determines whether or not crayon (now cli) colour should be applied.


Value of the "cli.unicode" option. The test is skipped if l10n_info()$`UTF-8` is FALSE.


Should we pretend that we're inside of RStudio?


Should we use ANSI hyperlinks.


Optionally, supply a BCP47 language code to set the language used for translating error messages. This is a lower case two letter ISO 639 country code, optionally followed by "_" or "-" and an upper case two letter ISO 3166 region code.


local_test_context() sets TESTTHAT = "true", which ensures that is_testing() returns TRUE and allows code to tell if it is run by testthat.

In the third edition, local_test_context() also calls local_reproducible_output() which temporary sets the following options:

  • cli.dynamic = FALSE so that tests assume that they are not run in a dynamic console (i.e. one where you can move the cursor around).

  • cli.unicode (default: FALSE) so that the cli package never generates unicode output (normally cli uses unicode on Linux/Mac but not Windows). Windows can't easily save unicode output to disk, so it must be set to false for consistency.

  • cli.condition_width = Inf so that new lines introduced while width-wrapping condition messages don't interfere with message matching.

  • crayon.enabled (default: FALSE) suppresses ANSI colours generated by the cli and crayon packages (normally colours are used if cli detects that you're in a terminal that supports colour).

  • cli.num_colors (default: 1L) Same as the crayon option.

  • lifecycle_verbosity = "warning" so that every lifecycle problem always generates a warning (otherwise deprecated functions don't generate a warning every time).

  • max.print = 99999 so the same number of values are printed.

  • OutDec = "." so numbers always uses . as the decimal point (European users sometimes set OutDec = ",").

  • rlang_interactive = FALSE so that rlang::is_interactive() returns FALSE, and code that uses it pretends you're in a non-interactive environment.

  • useFancyQuotes = FALSE so base R functions always use regular (straight) quotes (otherwise the default is locale dependent, see sQuote() for details).

  • width (default: 80) to control the width of printed output (usually this varies with the size of your console).

And modifies the following env vars:

  • Unsets RSTUDIO, which ensures that RStudio is never detected as running.

  • Sets LANGUAGE = "en", which ensures that no message translation occurs.

Finally, it sets the collation locale to "C", which ensures that character sorting the same regardless of system locale.


Run this code
  cat(cli::col_blue("Text will not be colored"))
test_that("test ellipsis", {
  local_reproducible_output(unicode = FALSE)
  expect_equal(cli::symbol$ellipsis, "...")

  local_reproducible_output(unicode = TRUE)
  expect_equal(cli::symbol$ellipsis, "\u2026")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab