MCMC simulation around an evmOpt fit
export = NULL,
an object of class evmSim
The call to evmSim
that produced the object.
The threshold above which the model was fit.
The point estimates found by maximum penalized
likelihood and which were used as the starting point for the Markov
chain. This is of class evmOpt
and methods for this class
(such as resid and plot) may be useful.
The number of steps of the Markov chain that are to be treated as the burn-in and not used in inferences.
The degree of thinning used.
The entire Markov chain generated by the Metropolis algorithm.
The response data above the threshold for fitting.
The seed used by the random number generator.
The remainder of the chain after deleting the burn-in and applying any thinning.
a fit evmOpt
A list with two components. The first should
be a vector of means, the second should be a covariance matrix
if the penalty/prior is "gaussian" or "quadratic" and a
diagonal precision matrix if the penalty/prior is "lasso", "L1"
or "Laplace". If method = "simulate"
then these
represent the parameters in the Gaussian prior distribution.
If method = 'optimize'
then these represent the
parameters in the penalty function. If not supplied: all
default prior means are zero; all default prior variances are
\(10^4\); all covariances are zero.
The proposal distribution to use, either multivariate gaussian or a multivariate Cauchy.
Control parameter for the Metropolis algorithm.
Covariance matrix for proposal distribution of
Metropolis algorithm. This is scaled by jump.const
Number of simulations to generate
Starting values for the chain; if missing, defaults to
the MAP/ML estimates in o
The degree of thinning of the resulting Markov chains.
The number of initial steps to be discarded.
The number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 1. If you run more, the function will try to figure out how to do it in parallel using the same number of cores as chains.
Character vector of names of variables to export. See the
help file for parallel::export
. Defaults to export = NULL
and most users will never need to use it. Only matters on Windows.
Whether or not to print progress to screen. Defaults
to verbose=TRUE
How frequently to talk to the user
(internal use only)