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method for tobit
method for tobit
objects created by the
function in the AER package.
# S4 method for tobit
include.aic = TRUE,
include.bic = TRUE,
include.loglik = TRUE,
include.deviance = TRUE,
include.nobs = FALSE,
include.censnobs = TRUE,
include.wald = TRUE,
A statistical model object.
Report Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) in the GOF block?
Report the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) in the GOF block?
Report the log likelihood in the GOF block?
Report the deviance?
Report the number of observations in the GOF block?
Report the total, right-censored, left-censored, and uncensored number of observations?
Report the Wald statistic?
Custom parameters, which are handed over to subroutines, in this
case to the summary
method for the object.