N = 500
tokens = word_tokenizer(tolower(movie_review$review[1:N]))
it = itoken(tokens, progressbar = FALSE)
v = create_vocabulary(it)
v = prune_vocabulary(v, term_count_min = 5, doc_proportion_max = 0.2)
dtm = create_dtm(it, vocab_vectorizer(v))
n_topics = 10
lda_model = LDA$new(n_topics)
fitted = lda_model$fit_transform(dtm, n_iter = 20)
tw = lda_model$get_top_words(n = 10, lambda = 1)
# for demonstration purposes create intrinsic TCM from original documents
# scores might not make sense for metrics that are designed for extrinsic TCM
tcm = crossprod(sign(dtm))
# check coherence
logger = lgr::get_logger('text2vec')
res = coherence(tw, tcm, n_doc_tcm = N)
# example how to create TCM for extrinsic measures from an external corpus
external_reference_corpus = tolower(movie_review$review[501:1000])
tokens_ext = word_tokenizer(external_reference_corpus)
iterator_ext = itoken(tokens_ext, progressbar = FALSE)
v_ext = create_vocabulary(iterator_ext)
# for reasons of efficiency vocabulary may be reduced to the terms matched in the original corpus
v_ext= v_ext[v_ext$term %in% v$term, ]
# external vocabulary may be pruned depending on the use case
v_ext = prune_vocabulary(v_ext, term_count_min = 5, doc_proportion_max = 0.2)
vectorizer_ext = vocab_vectorizer(v_ext)
# for demonstration purposes a boolean co-occurrence within sliding window of size 10 is used
# 10 represents sentence co-occurrence, a size of 110 would, e.g., be paragraph co-occurrence
window_size = 5
tcm_ext = create_tcm(iterator_ext, vectorizer_ext
,skip_grams_window = window_size
,weights = rep(1, window_size)
,binary_cooccurence = TRUE
#add marginal probabilities in diagonal (by default only upper triangle of tcm is created)
diag(tcm_ext) = attributes(tcm_ext)$word_count
# get number of sliding windows that serve as virtual documents, i.e. n_doc_tcm argument
n_skip_gram_windows = sum(sapply(tokens, function(x) {length(x)}))
# }
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