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tgp (version 2.4-23)

tgp.trees: Plot the MAP Tree for each height encountered by the Markov Chain


Plot the maximum a' posteriori (MAP) tree as a function of tree height, and show the log posterior probabilities for comparison.


tgp.trees(out, heights = NULL, main = NULL, ...)


The only output of this function is beautiful tree diagrams.



"tgp"-class object which is the output of one the model functions with tree support (e.g. btgpllm)


Index vector of length less than length(out$trees) describing trees to plot by their height. Default (NULL) is to plot all trees, one for each height encountered when sampling from the Markov chain of the tree posterior. This is equivalent to heights = out$posts$height. Specifying heights = "map" causes (only) the maximum a' posteriori (MAP) height tree to be plotted


Optional character string to add to the main title of the plot


Extra arguments to the draw.tree function from maptree


Robert B. Gramacy, rbg@vt.edu, and Matt Taddy, mataddy@amazon.com


The maximum a' posteriori (MAP) tree encountered at each height (in the MCMC chain) is plotted, and the log posterior probabilities are shown for comparison. The text at the branches in the tree show the splitting variable and value. The text at the leaves show the number of input data points (X and Z) that fall into the region(s) along with an estimate of the variability therein.



See Also

bgpllm, btlm, blm, bgp, btgpllm, plot.tgp, mapT, vignette("tgp")