Stages and steps defined using tic's DSL are stored in an
internal object in the package.
The stages are accessible through dsl_get().
When running the stages, by default a configuration defined
in the tic.R file is loaded with dsl_load().
See use_tic() for setting up a tic.R file.
For interactive tests, an empty storage can be initialized
with dsl_init().
This happens automatically the first time dsl_get() is called
(directly or indirectly).
dsl_load(path = "tic.R", force = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)
dsl_init(quiet = FALSE)
Path to the stage definition file, default: "tic.R".
Set to TRUE to force loading from file even if a configuration exists.
By default an existing configuration is not overwritten by dsl_load().
Set to TRUE to turn off verbose output.
A named list of opaque stage objects with a "class" attribute
and a corresponding print() method for pretty output.
Use the high-level get_stage() and add_step() functions to configure,
and the stages functions to run.