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tictactoe (version 0.2.2)

ttt_qlearn: Q-Learning for Training Tic-Tac-Toe AI


Train a tic-tac-toe AI through Q-learning


ttt_qlearn(player, N = 1000L, epsilon = 0.1, alpha = 0.8, gamma = 0.99,
  simulate = TRUE, sim_every = 250L, N_sim = 1000L, verbose = TRUE)


AI player to train
number of episode, i.e. training games
fraction of random exploration move
learning rate
discount factor
if true, conduct simulation during training
conduct simulation after this many training games
number of simulation games
if true, progress report is shown


data.frame of simulation outcomes, if any


This function implements Q-learning to train a tic-tac-toe AI player. It is designed to train one AI player, which plays against itself to update its value and policy functions.

The employed algorithm is Q-learning with epsilon greedy. For each state \(s\), the player updates its value evaluation by $$V(s) = (1-\alpha) V(s) + \alpha \gamma max_s' V(s')$$ if it is the first player's turn. If it is the other player's turn, replace \(max\) by \(min\). Note that \(s'\) spans all possible states you can reach from \(s\). The policy function is also updated analogously, that is, the set of actions to reach \(s'\) that maximizes \(V(s')\). The parameter \(\alpha\) controls the learning rate, and \(gamma\) is the discount factor (earlier win is better than later).

Then the player chooses the next action by \(\epsilon\)-greedy method; Follow its policy with probability \(1-\epsilon\), and choose random action with probability \(\epsilon\). \(\epsilon\) controls the ratio of explorative moves.

At the end of a game, the player sets the value of the final state either to 100 (if the first player wins), -100 (if the second player wins), or 0 (if draw).

This learning process is repeated for N training games. When simulate is set true, simulation is conducted after sim_every training games. This would be usefule for observing the progress of training. In general, as the AI gets smarter, the game tends to result in draw more.

See Sutton and Barto (1998) for more about the Q-learning.


Sutton, Richard S and Barto, Andrew G. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. The MIT Press (1998)


Run this code
p <- ttt_ai()
o <- ttt_qlearn(p, N = 200)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab