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tidycensus (version 1.6.6)

get_decennial: Obtain data and feature geometry for the decennial US Census


Obtain data and feature geometry for the decennial US Census


  variables = NULL,
  table = NULL,
  cache_table = FALSE,
  year = 2020,
  sumfile = NULL,
  state = NULL,
  county = NULL,
  geometry = FALSE,
  output = "tidy",
  keep_geo_vars = FALSE,
  shift_geo = FALSE,
  summary_var = NULL,
  pop_group = NULL,
  pop_group_label = FALSE,
  key = NULL,
  show_call = FALSE,


a tibble or sf tibble of decennial Census data



The geography of your data.


Character string or vector of character strings of variable IDs.


The Census table for which you would like to request all variables. Uses lookup tables to identify the variables; performs faster when variable table already exists through load_variables(cache = TRUE). Only one table may be requested per call.


Whether or not to cache table names for faster future access. Defaults to FALSE; if TRUE, only needs to be called once per dataset. If variables dataset is already cached via the load_variables function, this can be bypassed.


The year for which you are requesting data. Defaults to 2020; 2000, 2010, and 2020 are available.


The Census summary file; if NULL, defaults to "pl" when the year is 2020 and "sf1" for 2000 and 2010. Not all summary files are available for each decennial Census year. Make sure you are using the correct summary file for your requested variables, as variable IDs may be repeated across summary files and represent different topics.


The state for which you are requesting data. State names, postal codes, and FIPS codes are accepted. Defaults to NULL.


The county for which you are requesting data. County names and FIPS codes are accepted. Must be combined with a value supplied to `state`. Defaults to NULL.


if FALSE (the default), return a regular tibble of ACS data. if TRUE, uses the tigris package to return an sf tibble with simple feature geometry in the `geometry` column.


One of "tidy" (the default) in which each row represents an enumeration unit-variable combination, or "wide" in which each row represents an enumeration unit and the variables are in the columns.


if TRUE, keeps all the variables from the Census shapefile obtained by tigris. Defaults to FALSE.


(deprecated) if TRUE, returns geometry with Alaska and Hawaii shifted for thematic mapping of the entire US. Geometry was originally obtained from the albersusa R package. As of May 2021, we recommend using tigris::shift_geometry() instead.


Character string of a "summary variable" from the decennial Census to be included in your output. Usually a variable (e.g. total population) that you'll want to use as a denominator or comparison.


The population group code for which you'd like to request data. Applies to summary files for which population group breakdowns are available like the Detailed DHC-A file.


If TRUE, return a "pop_group_label" column that contains the label for the population group. Defaults to FALSE.


Your Census API key. Obtain one at https://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html


if TRUE, display call made to Census API. This can be very useful in debugging and determining if error messages returned are due to tidycensus or the Census API. Copy to the API call into a browser and see what is returned by the API directly. Defaults to FALSE.


Other keyword arguments


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Plot of race/ethnicity by county in Illinois for 2010
census_api_key("YOUR KEY GOES HERE")
vars10 <- c("P005003", "P005004", "P005006", "P004003")

il <- get_decennial(geography = "county", variables = vars10, year = 2010,
                    summary_var = "P001001", state = "IL", geometry = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(pct = 100 * (value / summary_value))

ggplot(il, aes(fill = pct, color = pct)) +
  geom_sf() +


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab