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tidyquant (version 1.0.9)

excel_if_functions: Excel Summarising "If" Functions


"IFS" functions are filtering versions of their summarization counterparts. Simply add "cases" that filter if a condition is true. Multiple cases are evaluated as "AND" filtering operations. A single case with | ("OR") bars can be created to accomplish an "OR". See details below.

These functions are designed to help users coming from an Excel background. Most functions replicate the behavior of Excel:

  • Names are similar to Excel function names

  • By default, missing values are ignored (same as in Excel)


SUM_IFS(x, ...)

COUNT_IFS(x, ...)


MEDIAN_IFS(x, ...)

MIN_IFS(x, ...)

MAX_IFS(x, ...)

CREATE_IFS(.f, ...)


  • Summary functions return a single value



A vector. Most functions are designed for numeric data. Some functions like COUNT_IFS() handle multiple data types.


Add cases to evaluate. See Details.


A function to convert to an "IFS" function. Use ... in this case to provide parameters to the .f like na.rm = TRUE.

Useful Functions

Summary Functions - Return a single value from a vector

  • Sum: SUM_IFS()


  • Count: COUNT_IFS()

  • Range: MIN_IFS(), MAX_IFS()

Create your own summary "IFS" function

  • CREATE_IFS(): This is a function factory that generates summary "_IFS" functions.


"AND" Filtering: Multiple cases are evaluated as "AND" filtering operations.

"OR" Filtering: Compound single cases with | ("OR") bars can be created to accomplish an "OR". Simply use a statement like x > 10 | x < -10 to perform an "OR" if-statement.

Creating New "Summarizing IFS" Functions: Users can create new "IFS" functions using the CREATE_IFS() function factory. The only requirement is that the output of your function (.f) must be a single value (scalar). See examples below.


Run this code
library(timetk, exclude = "FANG")

# --- Basic Usage ---

SUM_IFS(x = 1:10, x > 5)

COUNT_IFS(x = letters, str_detect(x, "a|b|c"))

SUM_IFS(-10:10, x > 8 | x < -5)

# Create your own IFS function (Mind blowingly simple)!
Q75_IFS <- CREATE_IFS(.f = quantile, probs = 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
Q75_IFS(1:10, x > 5)

# --- Usage with tidyverse ---

# Using multiple cases IFS cases to count the frequency of days with
# high trade volume in a given year
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        high_volume_in_2015 = COUNT_IFS(volume,
                                        year(date) == 2015,
                                        volume > quantile(volume, 0.75))

# Count negative returns by month
FANG %>%
    mutate(symbol = forcats::as_factor(symbol)) %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%

    # Collapse from daily to FIRST value by month
        .date_var  = date,
        .by        = "month",
        adjusted   = FIRST(adjusted)
    ) %>%

    # Calculate monthly returns
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        returns = PCT_CHANGE(adjusted, fill_na = 0)
    ) %>%

    # Find returns less than zero and count the frequency
        negative_monthly_returns = COUNT_IFS(returns, returns < 0)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab