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tidyquant (version 1.0.9)

tq_get: Get quantitative data in tibble format


Get quantitative data in tibble format


tq_get(x, get = "stock.prices", complete_cases = TRUE, ...)



Returns data in the form of a tibble object.



A single character string, a character vector or tibble representing a single (or multiple) stock symbol, metal symbol, currency combination, FRED code, etc.


A character string representing the type of data to get for x. Options include:

  • "stock.prices": Get the open, high, low, close, volume and adjusted stock prices for a stock symbol from Yahoo Finance (https://finance.yahoo.com/). Wrapper for quantmod::getSymbols().

  • "dividends": Get the dividends for a stock symbol from Yahoo Finance (https://finance.yahoo.com/). Wrapper for quantmod::getDividends().

  • "splits": Get the split ratio for a stock symbol from Yahoo Finance (https://finance.yahoo.com/). Wrapper for quantmod::getSplits().

  • "stock.prices.japan": Get the open, high, low, close, volume and adjusted stock prices for a stock symbol from Yahoo Finance Japan. Wrapper for quantmod::getSymbols.yahooj().

  • "economic.data": Get economic data from FRED. rapper for quantmod::getSymbols.FRED().

  • "quandl": Get data sets from Quandl. Wrapper for Quandl::Quandl(). See also quandl_api_key().

  • "quandl.datatable": Get data tables from Quandl. Wrapper for Quandl::Quandl.datatable(). See also quandl_api_key().

  • "tiingo": Get data sets from Tiingo. Wrapper for riingo::riingo_prices(). See also tiingo_api_key().

  • "tiingo.iex": Get data sets from Tiingo. Wrapper for riingo::riingo_iex_prices(). See also tiingo_api_key().

  • "tiingo.crypto": Get data sets from Tiingo. Wrapper for riingo::riingo_crypto_prices(). See also tiingo_api_key().

  • "alphavantager": Get data sets from Alpha Vantage. Wrapper for alphavantager::av_get(). See also av_api_key().

  • "rblpapi": Get data sets from Bloomberg. Wrapper for Rblpapi. See also Rblpapi::blpConnect() to connect to Bloomberg terminal (required). Use the argument rblpapi_fun to set the function such as "bdh" (default), "bds", or "bdp".


Removes symbols that return an NA value due to an error with the get call such as sending an incorrect symbol "XYZ" to get = "stock.prices". This is useful in scaling so user does not need to add an extra step to remove these rows. TRUE by default, and a warning message is generated for any rows removed.


Additional parameters passed to the "wrapped" function. Investigate underlying functions to see full list of arguments. Common optional parameters include:

  • from: Standardized for time series functions in quantmod, quandl, tiingo, alphavantager packages. A character string representing a start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • to: Standardized for time series functions in quantmod, quandl, tiingo, alphavantager packages. A character string representing a end date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


tq_get() is a consolidated function that gets data from various web sources. The function is a wrapper for several quantmod functions, Quandl functions, and also gets data from websources unavailable in other packages. The results are always returned as a tibble. The advantages are (1) only one function is needed for all data sources and (2) the function can be seamlessly used with the tidyverse: purrr, tidyr, and dplyr verbs.

tq_get_options() returns a list of valid get options you can choose from.

tq_get_stock_index_options() Is deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Please use tq_index_options() instead.

See Also

  • tq_index() to get a ful list of stocks in an index.

  • tq_exchange() to get a ful list of stocks in an exchange.

  • quandl_api_key() to set the api key for collecting data via the "quandl" get option.

  • tiingo_api_key() to set the api key for collecting data via the "tiingo" get option.

  • av_api_key() to set the api key for collecting data via the "alphavantage" get option.


Run this code
# Load libraries

# Get the list of `get` options

# Get stock prices for a stock from Yahoo
aapl_stock_prices <- tq_get("AAPL")

# Get stock prices for multiple stocks
mult_stocks <- tq_get(c("META", "AMZN"),
                      get  = "stock.prices",
                      from = "2016-01-01",
                      to   = "2017-01-01")

if (FALSE) {

# --- Quandl ---
if (rlang::is_installed("quandl")) {
tq_get("EIA/PET_MTTIMUS1_M", get = "quandl", from = "2010-01-01")

# Energy data from EIA

# --- Tiingo ---
if (rlang::is_installed("riingo")) {

# Tiingo Prices (Free alternative to Yahoo Finance!)
tq_get(c("AAPL", "GOOG"), get = "tiingo", from = "2010-01-01")

# Sub-daily prices from IEX ----
tq_get(c("AAPL", "GOOG"),
       get = "tiingo.iex",
       from   = "2020-01-01",
       to     = "2020-01-15",
       resample_frequency = "5min")

# Tiingo Bitcoin Prices ----
tq_get(c("btcusd", "btceur"),
       get    = "tiingo.crypto",
       from   = "2020-01-01",
       to     = "2020-01-15",
       resample_frequency = "5min")


# --- Alpha Vantage ---

if (rlang::is_installed("alphavantager")) {

# Daily Time Series
       get        = "alphavantager",
       av_fun     = "TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED",
       outputsize = "full")

# Intraday 15 Min Interval
       get        = "alphavantage",
       av_fun     = "TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY",
       interval   = "15min",
       outputsize = "full")
tq_get("USD/EUR", get = "alphavantage", av_fun = "FX_DAILY", outputsize = "full")

tq_get("USD/EUR", get = "alphavantage", av_fun = "CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE")


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab