# Keep variables
vars_select(names(iris), everything())
vars_select(names(iris), starts_with("Petal"))
vars_select(names(iris), ends_with("Width"))
vars_select(names(iris), contains("etal"))
vars_select(names(iris), matches(".t."))
vars_select(names(iris), Petal.Length, Petal.Width)
vars_select(names(iris), one_of("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"))
df <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(100), nrow = 10))
df <- df[c(3, 4, 7, 1, 9, 8, 5, 2, 6, 10)]
vars_select(names(df), num_range("V", 4:6))
# Drop variables
vars_select(names(iris), -starts_with("Petal"))
vars_select(names(iris), -ends_with("Width"))
vars_select(names(iris), -contains("etal"))
vars_select(names(iris), -matches(".t."))
vars_select(names(iris), -Petal.Length, -Petal.Width)
# Rename variables
vars_select(names(iris), petal_length = Petal.Length)
vars_select(names(iris), petal = starts_with("Petal"))
# Rename variables preserving all existing
vars_rename(names(iris), petal_length = Petal.Length)
# You can unquote symbols or quosures
vars_select(names(iris), !! quote(Petal.Length))
# And unquote-splice lists of symbols or quosures
vars_select(names(iris), !!! list(quo(Petal.Length), quote(Petal.Width)))
# When selecting with bare symbols, you can only refer to data
# objects. This avoids ambiguity. If you want to refer to local
# objects, you can explicitly unquote them. They must contain
# variable positions (integers) or variable names (strings):
Species <- 2
vars_select(names(iris), Species) # Picks up `Species` from the data frame
vars_select(names(iris), !! Species) # Picks up the local object referring to column 2
# On the other hand, function calls behave the opposite way. They
# are evaluated in the local context only and cannot refer to data
# frame objects. This makes it easy to refer to local variables:
x <- "Petal"
vars_select(names(iris), starts_with(x)) # Picks up the local variable `x`
# The .data pronoun is available:
vars_select(names(mtcars), .data$cyl)
vars_select(names(mtcars), .data$mpg : .data$disp)
# However it isn't available within calls since those are evaluated
# outside of the data context. This would fail if run:
# vars_select(names(mtcars), identical(.data$cyl))
# If you're writing a wrapper around vars_select(), pass the dots
# via splicing to avoid matching dotted arguments to vars_select()
# named arguments (`vars`, `include` and `exclude`):
wrapper <- function(...) {
vars_select(names(mtcars), !!! quos(...))
# This won't partial-match on `vars`:
wrapper(var = cyl)
# This won't match on `include`:
wrapper(include = cyl)
# If your wrapper takes named arguments, you need to capture then
# unquote to pass them to vars_select(). See the vignette on
# programming with dplyr for more on this:
wrapper <- function(var1, var2) {
vars_select(names(mtcars), !! enquo(var1), !! enquo(var2))
wrapper(starts_with("d"), starts_with("c"))
# }
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