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tidytext (version 0.1.2)

pair_count: Count pairs of items that cooccur within a group


This function has been deprecated. Work on this and similar functions is now going on in the widyr package (https://github.com/dgrtwo/widyr). Count the number of times pairs of items cooccur within a group. This returns a table with one row for each word-word pair that occurs within a group, along with n, the number of groups the pair cooccurs in. pair_count_ is the standard-evaluation version that can be programmed with.


pair_count(data, group, value, unique_pair = TRUE, self = FALSE,
  sort = FALSE)

pair_count_(data, group_col, value_col, unique_pair = TRUE, self = FALSE, sort = FALSE)



A tbl

group, group_col

Column to count pairs within

value, value_col

Column containing values to count pairs of


Whether to have only one pair of value1 and value2. Setting this to FALSE is useful if you want to afterwards find the most common values paired with one of interest.


Whether to include an item as co-occuring with itself


Whether to sort in decreasing order of frequency


A data frame with three columns: value1, value2, and n.


Run this code


pride_prejudice_words <- data_frame(text = prideprejudice) %>%
  mutate(line = row_number()) %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%

# find words that co-occur within lines
pride_prejudice_words %>%
  pair_count(line, word, sort = TRUE)

# when finding words most often occuring with a particular word,
# use unique_pair = FALSE
pride_prejudice_words %>%
  pair_count(line, word, sort = TRUE, unique_pair = FALSE) %>%
  filter(value1 == "elizabeth")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab