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tm (version 0.7-16)

readTagged: Read In a POS-Tagged Word Text Document


Return a function which reads in a text document containing POS-tagged words.




A function with the following formals:


a named list with the component content which must hold the document to be read in or the component uri holding a connection object or a character string.


a string giving the language.


a character giving a unique identifier for the created text document.

The function returns a TaggedTextDocument representing the text and metadata extracted from elem$content or elem$uri. The argument id is used as fallback if elem$uri is null.



Arguments passed to TaggedTextDocument.


Formally this function is a function generator, i.e., it returns a function (which reads in a text document) with a well-defined signature, but can access passed over arguments (...) via lexical scoping.

See Also

Reader for basic information on the reader infrastructure employed by package tm.


Run this code
# See http://www.nltk.org/book/ch05.html or file ca01 in the Brown corpus
x <- paste("The/at grand/jj jury/nn commented/vbd on/in a/at number/nn of/in",
           "other/ap topics/nns ,/, among/in them/ppo the/at Atlanta/np and/cc",
           "Fulton/np-tl County/nn-tl purchasing/vbg departments/nns which/wdt",
           "it/pps said/vbd ``/`` are/ber well/ql operated/vbn and/cc follow/vb",
           "generally/rb accepted/vbn practices/nns which/wdt inure/vb to/in the/at",
           "best/jjt interest/nn of/in both/abx governments/nns ''/'' ./.")
vs <- VectorSource(x)
elem <- getElem(stepNext(vs))
(doc <- readTagged()(elem, language = "en", id = "id1"))

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