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tmap (version 1.2)

read_shape: Read shape file


Read an ESRI shape file. Optionally, set the current projection if it is missing.


read_shape(file, current.projection = NULL, ...)


a shape file name (including directory)
the current projection of the shape object, if it is missing in the shape file. It should be either a PROJ.4 character string (see http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/), of one of the following shortcuts: [object Object],[object Object],[
other parameters, such as stringsAsFactors, are passed on to readOGR


  • shape object


This function is a convenient wrapper of rgdal's readOGR. It is possible to set the current projection, if it is undefined in the shape file. If a reprojection is required, use set_projection. For the Netherlands: often, the Dutch Rijksdriehoekstelsel (Dutch National Grid) projection is provided in the shape file without proper datum shift parameters to wgs84. This functions automatically adds these parameters. See http://www.qgis.nl/2011/12/05/epsg28992-of-rijksdriehoekstelsel-verschuiving/ (in Dutch) for details.