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tmap (version 1.2)

smooth_map: Create a smooth map in various formats: smooth raster, contour lines, and dasymetric polygons.


Create contour lines (isolines) from a shape object. To make the iso lines smooth, a 2D kernal density estimator is applied on the shape object. These lines are used to draw an isopleth. Also, the polygons between the countour lines are returned. They can be used to create a dasymetric map.


smooth_map(shp, var = NULL, nrow = NA, ncol = NA, N = 250000,
  unit = "km", unit.size = 1000, smooth.raster = TRUE, nlevels = 5,
  style = ifelse(is.null(breaks), "pretty", "fixed"), breaks = NULL,
  bandwidth = NA, cover.type = NA, cover = NULL, cover.threshold = 0.6,
  weight = 1, extracting.method = "full", buffer.width = NA,
  to.Raster = FALSE)


shape object of class Spatial or Raster. Spatial points, polygons, and grids are supported. Spatial lines are not.
variable name. Not needed for SpatialPoints. If missing, the first variable name is taken.
number of rows in the raster that is used to smooth the shape object. Only applicable if shp is not a SpatialGrid(DataFrame) or
number of rows in the raster that is used to smooth the shape object. Only applicable if shp is not a SpatialGrid(DataFrame) or
preferred number of points in the raster that is used to smooth the shape object. Only applicable if shp is not a SpatialGrid(DataFrame) or
unit specification. Needed when calculating density values. When set to NA, the densities values are based on the dimensions of the raster (defined by nrow and ncol). See also unit.size.
size of the unit in terms of coordinate units. The coordinate system of many projections is approximately in meters while thematic maps typically range many kilometers, so by default unit="km" and unit.size=1000 (meaning 1 kilome
logical that determines whether 2D kernel density smoothing is applied to the raster shape object. Not applicable when shp is a SpatialPoints object.
preferred number of levels
method to cut the color scale: e.g. "fixed", "equal", "pretty", "quantile", or "kmeans". See the details in classIntervals.
in case style=="fixed", breaks should be specified
single numeric value or vector of two numeric values that specifiy the bandwidth of the kernal density estimator. By default, it is 1/50th of the shortest side in units (specified with unit.size).
character value that specifies the type of raster cover, in other words, how the boundaries are specified. Options: "original" uses the same boundaries as shp (default for polygons), "smooth" calculates a smooth boun
SpatialPolygons shape that determines the covered area in which the contour lines are placed. If specified, cover.type is ignored.
numeric value between 0 and 1 that determines which part of the estimated 2D kernal density is returned as cover. Only applicable when cover.type="smooth".
single number that specifies the weight of a single point. Only applicable if shp is a SpatialPoints object.
Method of how coordinates are extracted from the dasymetric polygons. Options are: "full" (default), "grid", and "single". See details. For the slowest method "full",
Buffer width of the iso lines to cut dasymetric polygons. Should be small enough to let the polygons touch each other without space in between. However, too low values may cause geometric errors.
should the "raster" output (see output) be a RasterLayer? By default, it is returned as a Spatia


  • List with the following items: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]


For the estimation of the 2D kernal density, code is borrowed from bkde2D. This implemention is slightly different: bkde2D takes point coordinates and applies linear binning, whereas in this function, the data is already binned, with values 1 if the values of var are not missing and 0 if values of var are missing.