## load shapes
## get bounding box (similar to sp's function bbox)
## extent it by factor 1.10
bb(NLD_muni, ext=1.10)
## convert to longlat
bb(NLD_muni, projection="longlat")
## change existing bounding box
bb(NLD_muni, ext=1.5)
bb(NLD_muni, width=2, relative = TRUE)
bb(NLD_muni, xlim=c(.25, .75), ylim=c(.25, .75), relative = TRUE)
bb("Limburg", projection = "rd")
bb_italy <- bb("Italy", projection = "eck4")
tm_shape(World, bbox=bb_italy) + tm_polygons()
# NOTE: this does not work in view mode, since the bounding box should be in coordinates
# of the plotted projection, which are longitude/latitude coordinates (see below)
# NOTE2: this shortcut is saver to use: tm_shape(World, bbox="Italy") + tm_polygons()
## Not run:
# ## create new bounding box
# bb_ZL <- bb(cx=190000, cy=330000, width=50000, height=50000)
# current.mode <- tmap_mode("plot")
# tm_shape(NLD_muni, bbox=bb_ZL) + tm_polygons()
# tmap_mode("view")
# bb_ZL_longlat <- bb(bb_ZL, current.projection="rd", projection="longlat")
# tm_shape(NLD_muni, bbox=bb_ZL_longlat) + tm_polygons()
# # restore current mode
# tmap_mode(current.mode)
# ## End(Not run)
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