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tmap (version 4.0)

NLD_prov: Netherlands datasets


Datasets of the Netherlands for 2022 at three levels: NLD_prov (12) provinces, NLD_muni (345) municipalities and NLD_dist (3340) districts , all class sf







The data variables for NLD_muni and NLD_dist are identical:

codeCode. Format is "GMaaaa" (municipality/'gemeente') and "WKaaaabb" (district/wijk). Here, "aaaa" represents the municipality id number, and "bb" the additional district number.
provinceProvince name.
areaTotal area in km2. This area corresponds to the area of the polygons (including inland waters, excluding coastal waters), but is more precise because it is based on non-simplified geometries.
urbanityLevel of urbanity. Five classes, determined by the number of addresses per km2 (break values are 2500, 1500, 1000, and 500).
populationThe total population count at 2022-01-01.
pop_0_14Percentage (rounded) of people between 0 and 15.
pop_15_24Percentage (rounded) of people between 15 and 25.
pop_25_44Percentage (rounded) of people between 25 and 45.
pop_45_64Percentage (rounded) of people between 45 and 65.
pop_65plusPercentage (rounded) of people of 65 and older.
dwelling_totalNumber of dwellings.
dwelling_valueAverage dwelling value (Dutch: WOZ-value).
dwelling_ownershipPercentage of dwellings owned by the residents.
employment_rateShare of the employed population within the total population from 15 to 75 years old.
income_lowPercentage of individuals in private households belonging to the lowest 40% of personal income nationwide.
income_highPercentage of individuals in private households belonging to the highest 20% of personal income nationwide.
edu_appl_sciPercentage of people aged 15 to 75 with a university of applied sciences (Dutch: HBO) or university (Dutch: WO) degree.

See source for detailed information about the variables.

This dataset, created Noveber 2024, is an update from the datasets NLD_muni and NLD_prov used in tmap <= 3, which has been created around 2016. Note that the number of municipalities have been reduced (due to mergings). All old variables are included, except for variables related to ethnicity. Many new variable have been added, and moreover, district (Dutch: wijk) level data have added: NLD_dist.

The CRS (coordinate reference system) used is the Rijksdriekhoekstelsel New, EPSG 28992. Coordinates have been rounded to meters to reduce file size.


Statistics Netherlands (2024), The Hague/Heerlen, Netherlands, https://www.cbs.nl/.