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tmaptools (version 2.0-2)

tmaptools-package: Thematic Map Tools


This package offers a set of handy tool functions for reading and processing spatial data. The aim of these functions is to supply the workflow to create thematic maps, e.g. read shape files, set map projections, append data, calculate areas and distances, and query OpenStreetMap. The visualization of thematic maps can be done with the tmap package.


Tool functions (shape)

approx_areas Approximate area sizes of polygons
approx_distances Approximate distances
bb Create, extract or modify a bounding box
bb_poly Convert bounding box to a polygon
get_asp_ratio Get the aspect ratio of a shape object
get_IDs Get ID values of a shape object
is_projected Check if the map is projected
get_projection Get the map projection
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Tool functions (data)

append_data Append a data frame to a shape object
calc_densities Calculate density values
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Tool functions (colors)

get_brewer_pal Get and plot a (modified) Color Brewer palette
map_coloring Find different colors for adjacent polygons
palette_explorer Explore Color Brewer palettes
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Spatial transformation functions

aggregate_map Aggregate the units of a map
crop_shape Crop shape objects
points_to_raster Bin spatial points to a raster
poly_to_raster Convert polygons to a raster
sbind Bind shape objects
sample_dots Sample dots from polygons
set_projection Set the map projection
simplify_shape Simplify a shape
smooth_map Create a smooth map using a kernel density estimator
smooth_raster_cover Create a smooth cover from a raster object
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Input and output functions

geocode_OSM Get a location from an address description
read_GPX Read a GPX file
read_osm Read Open Street Map data
read_shape Read a shape object
rev_geocode_OSM Get an address description from a location
write_shape Write a shape object
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This page provides a brief overview of all package functions.