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tmaptools (version 2.0)

bb: Bounding box generator


Swiss army knife for bounding boxes. Modify an existing bounding box or create a new bounding box from scratch. See details.


bb(x = NA, ext = NULL, cx = NULL, cy = NULL, width = NULL,
  height = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, relative = FALSE,
  current.projection = NULL, projection = NULL, output = c("bbox",
  "matrix", "extent"))



One of the following:

If x is not specified, a bounding box can be created from scratch (see details).


Extension factor of the bounding box. If 1, the bounding box is unchanged. Values smaller than 1 reduces the bounding box, and values larger than 1 enlarges the bounding box. This argument is a shortcut for both width and height with relative=TRUE. If a negative value is specified, then the shortest side of the bounding box (so width or height) is extended with ext, and the longest side is extended with the same absolute value. This is especially useful for bounding boxes with very low or high aspect ratios.


center x coordinate


center y coordinate


width of the bounding box. These are either absolute or relative (depending on the argument relative).


height of the bounding box. These are either absolute or relative (depending on the argument relative).


limits of the x-axis. These are either absolute or relative (depending on the argument relative).


limits of the y-axis. See xlim.


boolean that determines whether relative values are used for width, height, xlim and ylim or absolute. If x is unspecified, relative is set to "FALSE".


projection that corresponds to the bounding box specified by x. See get_proj4 for options.


projection to transform the bounding box to. See get_proj4 for options.


output format of the bounding box, one of:

  • "bbox" a sf::bbox object, which is a numeric vector of 4: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. This representation used by the sf package.

  • "matrix" a 2 by 2 numeric matrix, where the rows correspond to x and y, and the columns to min and max. This representation used by the sp package.

  • "extent" an raster::extent object, which is a numeric vector of 4: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax. This representation used by the raster package.


bounding box (see argument output)


An existing bounding box (defined by x) can be modified as follows:

  • Using the extension factor ext.

  • Changing the width and height with width and height. The argument relavitve determines whether relative or absolute values are used.

  • Setting the x and y limits. The argument relavitve determines whether relative or absolute values are used.

A new bounding box can be created from scratch as follows:

  • Using the extension factor ext.

  • Setting the center coorinates cx and cy, together with the width and height.

  • Setting the x and y limits xlim and ylim

See Also



Run this code
if (require(tmap) && packageVersion("tmap") >= "2.0") {

    ## load shapes

    ## get bounding box (similar to sp's function bbox)

    ## extent it by factor 1.10
    bb(NLD_muni, ext=1.10)

    ## convert to longlat
    bb(NLD_muni, projection="longlat")

    ## change existing bounding box
    bb(NLD_muni, ext=1.5)
    bb(NLD_muni, width=2, relative = TRUE)
    bb(NLD_muni, xlim=c(.25, .75), ylim=c(.25, .75), relative = TRUE)


# }
if (require(tmap)) {
    bb("Limburg", projection = "rd")
    bb_italy <- bb("Italy", projection = "eck4")

    tm_shape(World, bbox=bb_italy) + tm_polygons()
    # shorter alternative: tm_shape(World, bbox="Italy") + tm_polygons()
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab