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torch_diagflat(self, offset = 0L)
(Tensor) the input tensor.
(int, optional) the diagonal to consider. Default: 0 (main diagonal).
If input is a vector (1-D tensor), then returns a 2-D square tensor with the elements of input as the diagonal.
If input is a tensor with more than one dimension, then returns a 2-D tensor with diagonal elements equal to a flattened input.
The argument offset controls which diagonal to consider:
If offset = 0, it is the main diagonal.
If offset > 0, it is above the main diagonal.
If offset < 0, it is below the main diagonal.
if (torch_is_installed()) { a = torch_randn(c(3)) a torch_diagflat(a) torch_diagflat(a, 1) a = torch_randn(c(2, 2)) a torch_diagflat(a) }
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