t0 = as.POSIXct(as.Date("2013-09-30",tz="CET"))
# person A, track 1:
x = c(7,6,5,5,4,3,3)
y = c(7,7,6,5,5,6,7)
n = length(x)
t = t0 + cumsum(runif(n) * 60)
crs = CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84") # longlat
stidf = STIDF(SpatialPoints(cbind(x,y),crs), t, data.frame(co2 = rnorm(n)))
A1 = Track(stidf)
# person A, track 2:
x = c(7,6,6,7,7)
y = c(6,5,4,4,3)
n = length(x)
t = max(t) + cumsum(runif(n) * 60)
stidf = STIDF(SpatialPoints(cbind(x,y),crs), t, data.frame(co2 = rnorm(n)))
A2 = Track(stidf)
# Tracks for person A:
A = Tracks(list(A1=A1,A2=A2))
# person B, track 1:
x = c(2,2,1,1,2,3)
y = c(5,4,3,2,2,3)
n = length(x)
t = max(t) + cumsum(runif(n) * 60)
stidf = STIDF(SpatialPoints(cbind(x,y),crs), t, data.frame(co2 = rnorm(n)))
B1 = Track(stidf)
# person B, track 2:
x = c(3,3,4,3,3,4)
y = c(5,4,3,2,1,1)
n = length(x)
t = max(t) + cumsum(runif(n) * 60)
stidf = STIDF(SpatialPoints(cbind(x,y),crs), t, data.frame(co2 = rnorm(n)))
B2 = Track(stidf)
# Tracks for person A:
B = Tracks(list(B1=B1,B2=B2))
Tr = TracksCollection(list(A=A,B=B))
stplot(Tr, scales = list(draw=TRUE))
stplot(Tr, attr = "direction", arrows=TRUE, lwd = 3, by = "direction")
stplot(Tr, attr = "direction", arrows=TRUE, lwd = 3, by = "IDs")
plot(Tr, col=2, axes=TRUE)
u = stack(Tr) # four IDs
dim(unstack(u, c(1,1,2,2))) # regroups to original
dim(unstack(u, c(1,1,2,3))) # regroups to three IDs
dim(unstack(u, c(1,2,2,1))) # regroups differently
as(Tr, "data.frame")[1:10,] # tracks separated by NA rows
as(Tr, "segments")[1:10,] # track segments as records
Tr[["distance"]] = Tr[["distance"]] * 1000
Tr$distance = Tr$distance / 1000
# work with custum TrackStats function:
MyStats = function(track) {
df = apply(coordinates(track@sp), 2, diff) # requires sp
data.frame(distance = apply(df, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))))
crs = CRS(as.character(NA))
stidf = STIDF(SpatialPoints(cbind(x,y),crs), t, data.frame(co2 = rnorm(n)))
B2 = Track(stidf) # no longer longlat;
B3 = Track(stidf, fn = MyStats)
all.equal(B3$distance, B2$distance)
# approxTrack:
opar = par()
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(B2, ylim = c(.5, 6))
plot(B2, pch = 16, add = TRUE)
title("irregular time steps")
i = index(B2)
B3 = approxTrack(B2, seq(min(i), max(i), length.out = 50))
plot(B3, col = 'red', type = 'p', add = TRUE)
B4 = approxTrack(B2, seq(min(i), max(i), length.out = 50), FUN = spline)
plot(B4, col = 'blue', type = 'b', add = TRUE)
# regular time steps:
t = max(t) + (1:n) * 60 # regular
B2 = Track(STIDF(SpatialPoints(cbind(x,y),crs), t, data.frame(co2 = rnorm(n))))
plot(B2, ylim = c(.5, 6))
plot(B2, pch = 16, add = TRUE)
title("constant time steps")
i = index(B2)
B3 = approxTrack(B2)
plot(B3, type = 'p', col = 'red', add = TRUE)
B4 = approxTrack(B2, FUN = spline)
plot(B4, type = 'p', col = 'blue', add = TRUE)
smth = function(x,y,xout,...) predict(smooth.spline(as.numeric(x), y), as.numeric(xout))
plot(storms, type = 'p')
storms.smooth = approxTracksCollection(storms, FUN = smth, n = 200)
plot(storms.smooth, add = TRUE, col = 'red')
# }
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