Emax, the maximum expected displacement, is a single-valued measure of
straightness defined by (Cheung, Zhang, Stricker, & Srinivasan, 2007). Emax-a
is a dimensionless, scale-independent measure of the maximum possible
expected displacement. Emax-b is Emax-a * mean step length
, and gives
the maximum possible expected displacement in spatial units. Values closer to
0 are more sinuous, while larger values (approaching infinity) are
TrajEmax(trj, eMaxB = FALSE, compass.direction = NULL)
Emax (-a or -b) for trj
Trajectory to be analysed.
If TRUE, calculates and returns Emax-b, otherwise returns Emax-a.
if not NULL
, turning angles are calculated
for a directed walk, assuming the specified compass direction (in radians).
Otherwise, a random walk is assumed.
Cheung, A., Zhang, S., Stricker, C., & Srinivasan, M. V. (2007). Animal navigation: the difficulty of moving in a straight line. Biological Cybernetics, 97(1), 47-61. doi:10.1007/s00422-007-0158-0