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transplantr (version 0.2.0)

p_pass: P-PASS pre-procurement pancreas suitability score


A vectorised function to calculate the P-PASS pre-procurement pancreas allocation suitability score used in the Eurotransplant area. The score are between 9 and 27, and in a study published by Vinkers et al. in 2008, pancreata with P-PASS score less than 17 were three times more likely to be transplanted than those with scores of 17 or more.


p_pass(age, bmi, icu, c.arr, Na, amylase = NULL, lipase = NULL, norad,



numeric vector of donor ages in years


numeric vector of donor body mass index (BMI)


numeric vector of length of donor ICU stay in days


numeric vector for duration of cardiac arrest (use 0 if no cardiac arrest)


numeric vector of donor serum sodium in mmmol/l


numeric vector of donor serum amylase in IU/l (0 if not available)


numeric vector of donor serum lipase in IU/l (0 if not available)


numeric vector of noradrenaline (0 if not used)


numeric vector of dopamine or dobutamine (0 if not used)


numeric vector of P-PASS scores


At least one of amylase or lipase is needed for each case, but this function can take datasets with a mixture of amylase and lipase levels and will allocate points based on the higher points for cases when both are provided.

Reference: Vinkers MT, Rahmel AO, Slot MC, et al. How to recognize a suitable pancreas donor: a Eurotransplant study of preprocurement factors. Transplant Proc 2008; 40(5):1275-8.


Run this code
# as a single case
p_pass(age = 25, bmi = 19, icu = 0, c.arr = 0, Na = 135,
      amylase = 101, lipase = 120, norad = 0, dopam = 0) # 9

# as a vector with mixed amylase and lipase availability
p_pass(age = c(25, 31, 45), bmi = c(18, 22, 35), icu = c(2, 5, 10), c.arr = c(0, 4, 10),
       Na = c(135, 157, 164), amylase = c(120, NA, 400), lipase = c(155, 170, NA),
      norad = c(0, 0.02, 0.06), dopam = c(0, 5, 11)) # 9, 19, 25

# as a vector with all lipase values missing
p_pass(age = c(25, 31, 45), bmi = c(18, 22, 35), icu = c(2, 5, 10), c.arr = c(0, 4, 10),
       Na = c(135, 157, 164), amylase = c(120, 145, 400), lipase = c(NA, NA, NA),
       norad = c(0, 0.02, 0.06), dopam = c(0, 5, 11)) # 9, 19, 25
# }

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