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A vectorised function to calculate the UK Kidney Donor Risk Index as used in the new national kidney matching scheme implemented in September 2019.
ukkdri(age, height, htn, sex, cmv, gfr, hdays)
numeric vector of donor age in years
numeric vector of donor height in cm
numeric vector of whether donor history of hypertension (1 = yes, 0 = no)
character vector of donor sex ("F" = female, "M" = male)
numeric vector of whether donor CMV IgG positive (1 = yes, 0 = no)
numeric vector of donor eGFR at time of donation
numeric vector of number of days donor in hospital before donation
numeric vector of UK Kidney Donor Risk Index values (2019 version)
The UK KDRI is documented in the UK kidney matching policy which can be found on the NHS Blood & Transplant ODT website at www.odt.nhs.uk
# NOT RUN { ukkdri(age = 50, height = 170, htn = 1, sex = "F", cmv = 0, gfr = 90, hdays = 2) # }
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