Fits an exponential trawl function to equidistant time series data
fit_Exptrawl(x, Delta = 1, plotacf = FALSE, lags = 100)
vector of equidistant time series data
interval length of the time grid used in the time series, the default is 1
binary variable specifying whether or not the empirical and fitted autocorrelation function should be plotted
number of lags to be used in the plot of the autocorrelation function
lambda: the memory parameter \(\lambda\) in the exponential trawl
LM: the Lebesgue measure of the trawl set associated with the exponential trawl, i.e. \(1/\lambda\).
The trawl function is parametrised by the parameter \(\lambda > 0\) as follows: $$g(x) = e^{\lambda x}, \mbox{ for } x \le 0.$$ The Lebesgue measure of the corresponding trawl set is given by \(1/\lambda\).