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yeast-data: A yeast data set for Transcriptional Regulation Inference from Genetics of Gene ExpRession


A yeast data set for integrative genomic analysis.



The data set contains information on 112 F1 segregants from a yeast genetic cross of BY and RM strains. The list consists of: marker: A 3244 x 112 genotype matrix with marker genotypes in rows and arrays in columns. exp: A 6216 x 112 gene expression matrix with genes in rows and arrays in columns. marker.pos: A matrix of marker position information. exp.pos: A matrix of gene position information.


Brem R.B., Storey J.D., Whittle J., and Kruglyak L. (2005) Genetic interactions between polymorphisms that affect gene expression in yeast. Nature, 436(7051): 701--703.

Storey J.D., Akey J.M., and Kruglyak L. (2005) Multiple locus linkage analysis of genomewide expression in yeast. PLoS Biology, 3(8): 1380--1390.