Primarily for the purposes of initializing the estimation, these functions
can also be used for diagnostic purposes. position.logp
grids of simplistic position likelihood for each twilight and uses
those to initialize positions for running estimations.
position.logp(model, x1, x2, xrest = NULL, subset = 1:model$n,
initialize.x = TRUE, start = NULL, end = NULL, prob = 0.8, winoffset = 5)initialize.x(model, x1, x2, xrest = NULL)
light.quantile(model, chain, day, seg, probl = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
show.segment(model, chain, segment, day, light, k, n = 50, ...)
returns a matrix with 3 columns, lon,lat,attenuation
returns a list with model running components
is used for its side effect, a plot of light level for a twilight segment
returns a numeric vector
estimation model object
vector of x-coordinates defining the prior grid
vector of y-coordinates defining the prior grid
value for remaining parameters - default is light attenuation
evaluate subset of segments - default uses all
logical - create initial points for x?
probability - threshold to apply to overlapping quantiles, defaults to 0.8
an odd-numbered window size to use when intersecting subseqent segments - defaults to 5
chain object from estimation
POSIXct vector of date-times
desired segment
probability level for quantile
known position of release
known position of recapture
vector of segment data
vector of light data
desired segment to show
length of vector to evaluate
additional arguments to be passed to plot
Michael D. Sumner
The primary function here is position.logp
, for
initializing the estimation for solar.model