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tryCatchLog (version 1.3.1)

build.log.output: Creates a single string suited as logging output


To view the formatted output print the logging output in a console use cat (instead of printing the output with print which shows the newline escape codes).


  include.full.call.stack = getOption("tryCatchLog.include.full.call.stack", TRUE),
  include.compact.call.stack = getOption("tryCatchLog.include.compact.call.stack",
  include.severity = TRUE,
  include.timestamp = FALSE,
  use.platform.newline = FALSE



A data.frame and member of the class tryCatchLog.log.entry with log entry rows as returned by last.tryCatchLog.result containing the logging information to be prepared for the logging output.


Flag of type logical: Shall the full call stack be included in the log output? Since the full call stack may be very long and the compact call stack has enough details normally the full call stack can be omitted by passing FALSE.


Flag of type logical: Shall the compact call stack (including only calls with source code references) be included in the log output? Note: If you ommit both the full and compact call stacks the message text will be output without call stacks.


logical switch if the severity level (e. g. ERROR) shall be included in the output


logical switch if the timestamp of the catched condition shall be included in the output


logical: If TRUE the line breaks ("newline") will be inserted according to the current operationg system (Windows: CR+LF, else: CR). If FALSE R's usual \n esacpe character will be inserted and it is left to the client to convert this later into the operation-system-specific characters. This argument is rarely required (except e. g. if you want to write the return value into a database table column on Windows).


A ready to use logging output with stack trace (as character)

See Also

last.tryCatchLog.result build.log.entry