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tsDyn (version 11.0.4)

setar.sim: Simulation and bootstrap of Threshold Autoregressive model (SETAR)


Simulate or bootstrap a Threshold AR (SETAR) The setar.sim function allows to simulate a SETAR model from scratch. The most important argument is the B argument, which should be a one row matrix, with first the constant/trend arguments, then the slope coefficients, and this for each regime (lower, middle, high). Other arguments such as lag, nthresh indicate the dimension of this matrix. As an example, a SETAR with 2 lags, 1 threshold, a constant, would have coefficient in the order: c(const_L, phi_1_L, phi_2_L, const_H, phi_1_H, phi_2_H) where L is for Lower regime, H for Higher.

setar.boot on the other side resample/bootstraps an existing setar output. It uses a recursive approach, reconstructing the series. Residuals from the original model are resampled using different bootstrap schemes, see resample_vec.


  boot.scheme = c("resample", "resample_block", "wild1", "wild2", "check"),
  seed = NULL,

linear.boot( linearObject, boot.scheme = c("resample", "resample_block", "wild1", "wild2", "check"), seed = NULL, ... )

setar.sim( B, n = 200, lag = 1, include = c("const", "trend", "none", "both"), nthresh = 1, Thresh, starting = NULL, innov = rnorm(n), ... )

linear.sim( B, n = 200, lag = 1, include = c("const", "trend", "none", "both"), starting = NULL, innov = rnorm(n), ... )


a list with the simulated/bootstrapped data and the parameter matrix used.



Bootstrap: the setar object to resample data from.


Bootstrap: which resampling scheme to use for the residuals. See resample_vec.


Bootstrap: seed used in the resampling


additional arguments for the unexported setar.gen.


Bootstrap: the linear object to resample data from.


Simulation: vector of coefficients to simulate from.


Simulation: Number of observations to simulate.

Thresh, nthresh, lag, include

Simulation: parameters for the SETAR to simulate. See setar for their description.


Simulation: Starting values (same length as lag)


Simulation: time series of innovations/residuals.


Matthieu Stigler

See Also

SETAR to estimate a SETAR, arima.sim to simulate an ARMA.


Run this code

##Simulation of a TAR with 1 threshold
TvarMat <- c(2.9,-0.4,-0.1,-1.5, 0.2,0.3)
sim<-setar.sim(B=TvarMat,lag=2, type="simul", nthresh=1, Thresh=2, starting=c(2.8,2.2))
mean(ifelse(sim>2,1,0))	#approximation of values over the threshold

#check the result
selectSETAR(sim, m=2)

##Bootstrap a TAR with two threshold (three regimes)
sun <- (sqrt(sunspot.year+1)-1)*2
sun_est <- setar(sun, nthresh=2, m=2)
sun_est_boot <- setar.boot(sun_est)

##Check the bootstrap: with no resampling, is it the same series?
sun_est_boot <- setar.boot(sun_est, boot.scheme = "check")
all.equal(as.numeric(sun), sun_est_boot)

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