Learn R Programming

tsibble (version 0.5.2)

slider: Splits the input to a list according to the rolling window size.


Splits the input to a list according to the rolling window size.


slider(.x, .size = 1, .fill = NA, .partial = FALSE,
  .align = "right", .bind = FALSE)

pslider(..., .size = 1, .fill = NA, .partial = FALSE, .align = "right", .bind = FALSE)



An object to slide over.


An integer for window size. If positive, moving forward from left to right; if negative, moving backward (from right to left).


A value to fill at the left of the data range (NA by default). NULL means no filling.


if TRUE, split to partial set (FALSE ignores specified .fill and .align).


Align index at the "right", "centre"/"center", or "left" of the window. If .size is even for center alignment, "centre-right" & "centre-left" is needed.


If .x is a list or data frame, the input will be flattened to a list of data frames.


Multiple objects to be split in parallel.


An objects to be split.


Run this code
x <- 1:5
y <- 6:10
z <- 11:15
lst <- list(x = x, y = y, z = z)
df <- as.data.frame(lst)

slider(x, .size = 2)
slider(lst, .size = 2)
pslider(list(x, y), list(y))
slider(df, .size = 2)
pslider(df, df, .size = 2)
# }

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