build_tsibble: Low-level constructor for a tsibble object
build_tsibble() creates a tbl_ts object with more controls. It is useful
for creating a tbl_ts internally inside a function, and it allows developers to
determine if the time needs ordering and the interval needs calculating.
A data.frame, tbl_df, tbl_ts, or other tabular objects.
Unquoted variable(s) that uniquely determine time indices. NULL for
empty key, and c() for multiple variables. It works with tidy selector
(e.g. dplyr::starts_with()).
A data frame containing key variables and .rows. When a data
frame is supplied, the argument key will be ignored.
A bare (or unquoted) variable to specify the time index variable.
A candidate of index to update the index to a new one when
index_by. By default, it's identical to index.
The default of NULL arranges the key variable(s) first and
then index from past to future. TRUE suggests to skip the ordering as x in
the correct order. FALSE checks the ordering and may give a warning.
TRUE automatically calculates the interval, and FALSE for
irregular interval. Use the specified interval via new_interval() as is.
TRUE suggests to verify that each key or each combination
of key variables leads to unique time indices (i.e. a valid tsibble). If you
are sure that it's a valid input, specify FALSE to skip the checks.
# NOT RUN {# Prepare `pedestrian` to use a new index `Date` ----pedestrian %>%
key = !!key_vars(.), index = !!index(.), index2 = Date,
interval = interval(.)
# }