Learn R Programming

tsibble (version 1.1.5)

is_duplicated: Test duplicated observations determined by key and index variables



  • is_duplicated(): a logical scalar if the data exist duplicated observations.

  • are_duplicated(): a logical vector, the same length as the row number of data.

  • duplicates(): identical key-index data entries.


is_duplicated(data, key = NULL, index)

are_duplicated(data, key = NULL, index, from_last = FALSE)

duplicates(data, key = NULL, index)



A data frame for creating a tsibble.


Variable(s) that uniquely determine time indices. NULL for empty key, and c() for multiple variables. It works with tidy selector (e.g. dplyr::starts_with()).


A variable to specify the time index variable.


TRUE does the duplication check from the last of identical elements.


Run this code
harvest <- tibble(
  year = c(2010, 2011, 2013, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2014),
  fruit = c(rep(c("kiwi", "cherry"), each = 3), "cherry"),
  kilo = sample(1:10, size = 7)
is_duplicated(harvest, key = fruit, index = year)
are_duplicated(harvest, key = fruit, index = year)
are_duplicated(harvest, key = fruit, index = year, from_last = TRUE)
duplicates(harvest, key = fruit, index = year)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab