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tsibble (version 1.1.6)

index_by: Group by time index and collapse with summarise()



index_by() is the counterpart of group_by() in temporal context, but it only groups the time index. The following operation is applied to each partition of the index, similar to group_by() but dealing with index only. index_by() + summarise() will update the grouping index variable to be the new index. Use ungroup() to remove the index grouping vars.


index_by(.data, ...)



A tbl_ts.


If empty, grouping the current index. If not empty, a single expression is required for either an existing variable or a name-value pair. A lambda expression is supported, for example ~ as.Date(.) where . refers to the index variable. The index functions that can be used, but not limited:


  • A index_by()-ed tsibble is indicated by @ in the "Groups" when displaying on the screen.


Run this code
pedestrian %>% index_by()
# Monthly counts across sensors
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
monthly_ped <- pedestrian %>%
  group_by_key() %>%
  index_by(Year_Month = ~ yearmonth(.)) %>%
    Max_Count = max(Count),
    Min_Count = min(Count)

# Using existing variable
pedestrian %>%
  group_by_key() %>%
  index_by(Date) %>%
    Max_Count = max(Count),
    Min_Count = min(Count)

# Attempt to aggregate to 4-hour interval, with the effects of DST
pedestrian %>%
  group_by_key() %>%
  index_by(Date_Time4 = ~ lubridate::floor_date(., "4 hour")) %>%
  summarise(Total_Count = sum(Count))

library(lubridate, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# Annual trips by Region and State
tourism %>%
  index_by(Year = ~ year(.)) %>%
  group_by(Region, State) %>%
  summarise(Total = sum(Trips))

# Rounding to financial year, using a custom function
financial_year <- function(date) {
  year <- year(date)
  ifelse(quarter(date) <= 2, year, year + 1)
tourism %>%
  index_by(Year = ~ financial_year(.)) %>%
  summarise(Total = sum(Trips))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab