The goal of this function is to compute all fundamental algorithms on the provided time series data. See details for more information.
windows = NULL,
query = NULL,
sample_pct = 1,
threshold = 0.98,
n_jobs = 1L
The appropriate Matrix Profile or Pan-Matrix Profile profile object and also plots the graphics.
a matrix
or a vector
. The time series to analyze.
an int
or a vector
. The window(s) to compute the Matrix Profile. Note that it may be an int
for a single matrix profile computation or a vector
of int
for computing the Pan-Matrix Profile.
a matrix
or a vector
. Optional The query to analyze. Note that when computing the Pan-Matrix Profile
the query is ignored!
a numeric
. A number between 0 and 1 representing how many samples to compute for
the Matrix Profile or Pan-Matrix Profile. When it is 1, the exact algorithm is used. (default is 1.0
a numeric
. Correlation threshold. See details. (Default is 0.98
an int
. The number of cpu cores to use when computing the MatrixProfile. (default is 1
For now the following is computed:
Matrix Profile - exact or approximate based on sample_pct
given that a single windows
is provided. By default
is the exact algorithm;
Top 3 Motifs;
Top 3 Discords;
Plot Matrix Profile, Motifs and Discords.
When windows
is not provided or more than a single window is provided,
the Pan-Matrix Profile is computed:
Compute the upper bound when a threshold
is provided (it is, by default);
Compute Pan-Matrix Profile for all windows
provided, below the upper bound, or a default range when no windows
is provided;
Top Motifs;
Top Discords;
Plot Pan-Matrix Profile, motifs and discords.
Other Main API:
# Matrix Profile
result <- analyze(mp_toy_data$data[, 1], 80)
# \donttest{
# Pan Matrix Profile
result <- analyze(mp_toy_data$data[, 1])
# }
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