string; Required.
named vector of length 1
potential names of the entry in the vector:
channel_id: ID of the channel
playlist_id: YouTube playlist ID.
Required. One of the following: contentDetails, id, localizations, player, snippet, status. Default: contentDetails.
Maximum number of items that should be returned. Integer. Optional. Can be between 0 and 50. Default is 50.
Language used for text values. Optional. Default is en-US. For other allowed language codes, see list_langs.
specific page in the result set that should be returned, optional
Data Type: Boolean. Default is TRUE. If TRUE and if part requested is contentDetails,
the function returns a data.frame. Else a list with all the information returned.
# NOT RUN {# Set API token via yt_oauth() firstget_playlists(filter=c(channel_id="UCMtFAi84ehTSYSE9XoHefig"))
get_playlists(filter=c(channel_id="UCMtFAi84ehTSYSE9X")) # incorrect Channel ID# }