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Generate a matrix of weights to combine FFT bins into Bark/Mel bins.
fft2barkmx(nfft, sr = 8000, nfilts = NULL, width = 1, minfreq = 0, maxfreq = sr/2) fft2melmx(nfft, sr = 8000, nfilts = 40, width = 1, minfreq = 0, maxfreq = sr/2, htkmel = FALSE, constamp = FALSE)
Source FFT size.
Sampling rate of the signal.
Number of desired output frequency bands. If NULL then one per Bark/Mel between minfreq and maxfreq.
Width of each output frequency band in Bark/Mel.
Minimum frequency.
Maximum frequency.
Use HTK- or Slaney's curve of the Melscale.
Make integration windows peak at 1 (constamp=TRUE) or sum to 1 (constamp=FALSE)
The weight matrix with 'nfft' columns and 'nfilts' rows.
Edge frequencies of the bins.
Daniel P. W. Ellis: http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/resources/matlab/rastamat/, Malcolm Slaney: Auditory Toolbox https://engineering.purdue.edu/~malcolm/interval/1998-010/
hz2bark, hz2mel
# NOT RUN { #Mel matrix in Slaney's mfcc.m: #tuneR:::fft2melmx(512, 8000, 40, 1, 133.33, 6855.5, FALSE, FALSE) # }
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