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panorama: Narrow the Panorama of a Stereo Sample


Generic function to narrow the panorama of a stereo Wave or WaveMC object.


panorama(object, pan = 1)



Object of class Wave or class WaveMC.


Value in [-1,1] to narrow the panorama, see the Details below. The default (1) does not change anything.


An object of class Wave or class WaveMC with the transformed panorama.


If abs(pan) < 1, mixtures of the two channels of the Wave or WaveMC objects are used for the left and the right channel of the returned Sample object if the object is of class Wave, resp. for the first and second channel of the returned Sample object if the object is of class WaveMC, so that they appear closer to the center.

For pan = 0, both sounds are completely in the center (i.e. averaged).

If pan < 0, the left and the right channel (for Wave objects, the first and the second channel for WaveMC objects) are interchanged.

See Also

Wave-class, Wave, WaveMC-class, WaveMC