powered by
Compute the powerspectrum of the input signal. Basically output a power spectrogram using a Hamming window.
powspec(x, sr = 8000, wintime = 0.025, steptime = 0.01, dither = FALSE)
Vector of samples.
Sampling rate of the signal.
Window length in sec.
Step between successive windows in sec.
Add offset to spectrum as if dither noise.
Matrix, where each column represents a power spectrum for a given frame and each row represents a frequency.
Daniel P. W. Ellis: http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/resources/matlab/rastamat/
# NOT RUN { testsound <- normalize(sine(400) + sine(1000) + square(250), "16") pspectrum <- powspec(testsound@left, testsound@samp.rate) # }
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