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writeWave: Writing Wave files


Writing Wave files.


writeWave(object, filename, extensible = TRUE)



Object of class Wave or WaveMC to be written to a Wave file.


Filename of the file to be written.


If TRUE (default), an extensible Wave format file is written. If FALSE, a non-extensible Wave file is written.


writeWave creates a Wave file, but returns nothing.


It is only possible to write a non-extensible Wave format file for objects of class Wave or for objects of class WaveMC with one or two channels (mono or stereo).

If the argument object is a Wave-class object, the channels are automatically chosen to be “FL” (for mono) or “FL” and “FR” (for stereo).

The channel mask used to arrange the channel ordering in multi channel Wave files is written according to Microsoft standards as given in the data frame MCnames containing the first 18 standard channels. In the case of writing a multi channel Wave file, the column names of the object object (colnames(object)) must be specified and must uniquely identify the channel ordering for WaveMC objects. The column names of the object of class WaveMC have to be a subset of the 18 standard channels and have to match the corresponding abbreviated names. (See MCnames for possible channels and the abbreviated names: “FL”, “FR”, “FC”, “LF”, “BL”, “BR”, “FLC”, “FRC”, “BC”, “SL”, “SR”, “TC”, “TFL”, “TFC”, “TFR”, “TBL”, “TBC” and “TBR”).

The function normalize can be used to transform and rescale data to an appropriate amplitude range for various Wave file formats (either pcm with 8-, 16-, 24- or 32-bit or IEEE_FLOAT with 32- or 64-bit).

See Also

Wave-class, Wave, WaveMC-class, WaveMC, normalize, MCnames, readWave


Run this code
Wobj <- sine(440)

tdir <- tempdir()
tfile <- file.path(tdir, "myWave.wav")
writeWave(Wobj, filename = tfile)
list.files(tdir, pattern = "\\.wav$")
newWobj <- readWave(tfile)
# }

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