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twang (version 2.6.1)

plot.mniptw: Plot mniptw


Plot mniptw


# S3 method for mniptw
  plots = "optimize",
  pairwiseMax = TRUE,
  figureRows = NULL,
  color = TRUE,
  subset = NULL,
  treatments = NULL,
  singlePlot = NULL,
  multiPage = FALSE,
  timePeriods = NULL,
  hline = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.8),



An iptw object.


An indicator of which type of plot is desired. The options are

  • "optimize" or 1 A plot of the balance criteria as a function of the GBM iteration.

  • "boxplot" or 2 Boxplots of the propensity scores for the treatment and control cases

  • "es" or 3 Plots of the standardized effect size of the pre-treatment variables before and after reweighing

  • "t" or 4 Plots of the p-values from t-statistics comparing means of treated and control subjects for pretreatment variables, before and after weighting.

  • "ks" or 5 Plots of the p-values from Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics comparing distributions of pretreatment variables of treated and control subjects, before and after weighting.


If FALSE, the plots for the underlying ps fits will be returned. Otherwise, pairwise maxima will be returned.


The figure rows, passed to displayPlots. Default: NULL.


If color = FALSE, figures will be gray scale. Default: TRUE.


Used to restrict which of the stop.methods will be used in the figure. For example subset = c(1,3) would indicate that the first and third stop.methods (in alphabetical order of those specified in the original call to iptw) should be included in the figure.


Only applicable when pairwiseMax is FALSE and plots 3, 4, and 5. If left at NULL, panels for all treatment pairs are created. If one level of the treatment variable is specified, plots comparing that treatment to all others are produced. If two levels are specified, a comparison for that single pair is produced.


For Plot calls that produce multiple plots, specifying an integer value of singlePlot will return only the corresponding plot. E.g., specifying singlePlot = 2 will return the second plot.


When multiple frames of a figure are produced, multiPage = TRUE will print each frame on a different page. This is intended for situations where the graphical output is being saved to a file. Default: FALSE.


The number of distinct time points. If NULL, this is assumed to be the number of ps objects (i.e., the number of distinct time points).


Arguments passed to panel.abline.


Additional arguments.