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twitteR (version 1.1.9)

search_twitter_and_store: A function to store searched tweets to a database


A convenience function designed to wrap the process of running a twitter search and pushing the results to a database. If this is called more than once, the search will start with the most recent tweet already stored.


search_twitter_and_store(searchString, table_name = "tweets", lang = NULL, locale = NULL, geocode = NULL, retryOnRateLimit = 120, ...)


The search string to use, e.g. as one would in searchTwitter
The database to store the tweets to, see register_db_backend
If not NULL, restricts tweets to the given language, given by an ISO 639-1 code
If not NULL, will set the locale for the search. As of 03/06/11 only ja is effective, as per the Twitter API
If not NULL, returns tweets by users located within a given radius of the given latitude/longitude. See Details in link{searchTwitter}
If non-zero the search command will block retry up to X times if the rate limit is experienced. This might lead to a much longer run time but the task will eventually complete if the retry count is high enough
Optional arguments to be passed to GET


The number of tweets stored


All arguments but table_name are being passed directly to searchTwitter.

This function will check if table_name exists, and if so will also use a sinceID of the most recent ID in the table. The search is performed, the returned tweets are stored in the database via store_tweets_db.

See Also

register_db_backend, searchTwitter, store_tweets_db


Run this code
  ## Not run: 
#        register_sqlite_backend("sqlit_file")
#        n = search_twitter_and_store("#rstats", "rstats_tweets")
#   ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab