powered by
brute force search, find and linkl of all link2GI link functions
linkAll(links = NULL, simple = TRUE, linkItems = c("saga", "grass7", "otb", "gdal"), sagaArgs = "default", grassArgs = "default", otbArgs = "default", gdalArgs = c("quiet = TRUE,\n returnPaths = TRUE"))
character. links
logical. true make all
character. list of c("saga","grass7","otb","gdal")
character. full string of sagaArgs
character. grassArgs full string of grassArgs
character. full string of otbArgs
character. full string of gdalArgs
# NOT RUN { # required packages require(uavRst) require(link2GI) # search, find and create the links to all supported GI software giLinks<-uavRst::linkAll() # }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab