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umx (version 1.9.1)

umxSummary.MxModel: Shows a compact, publication-style, summary of a RAM model


Report the fit of a model in a compact form suitable for a journal. Emits a "warning" when model fit is worse than accepted criterion (TLI >= .95 and RMSEA <= .06; (Hu & Bentler, 1999; Yu, 2002).


# S3 method for MxModel
umxSummary(model, refModels = NULL,
  showEstimates = c("raw", "std", "none", "both"), digits = 2,
  report = c("markdown", "html"), filter = c("ALL", "NS", "SIG"),
  SE = TRUE, RMSEA_CI = FALSE, matrixAddresses = FALSE, std = NULL, ...)



The mxModel whose fit will be reported


Saturated models if needed for fit indices (see example below: If NULL will be competed on demand. If FALSE will not be computed. Only needed for raw data.


What estimates to show. By default, the raw estimates are shown (Options = c("raw", "std", "none", "both").


How many decimal places to report (default = 2)


If "html", then show results in browser ("1", "table", "html")


whether to show significant paths (SIG) or NS paths (NS) or all paths (ALL)


Whether to compute SEs... defaults to TRUE. In rare cases, you might need to turn off to avoid errors.


Whether to compute the CI on RMSEA (Defaults to FALSE)


Whether to show "matrix address" columns (Default = FALSE)


deprecated: use show = "std" instead!


Other parameters to control model summary


- parameterTable returned invisibly, if estimates requested


Note: For some (multi-group) models, you will need to fall back on summary

CIs and Identification This function uses the standard errors reported by OpenMx to produce the CIs you see in umxSummary These are used to derive confidence intervals based on the formula 95

Sometimes they appear NA. This often indicates a model which is not identified (seehttp://davidakenny.net/cm/identify.htm). This can include empirical under-identification - for instance two factors that are essentially identical in structure. use mxCheckIdentification to check identification.

One or more paths estimated at or close to zero suggests that fixing one or two of these to zero may fix the standard error calculation, and alleviate the need to estimate likelihood-based or bootstrap CIs

If factor loadings can flip sign and provide identical fit, this creates another form of under-identification and can break confidence interval estimation. Fixing a factor loading to 1 and estimating factor variances can help here.


- Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6, 1-55.

- Yu, C.Y. (2002). Evaluating cutoff criteria of model fit indices for latent variable models with binary and continuous outcomes. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles. Retrieved from http://www.statmodel.com/download/Yudissertation.pdf


See Also

- umxRun

Other Reporting functions: RMSEA.MxModel, RMSEA.summary.mxmodel, RMSEA, extractAIC.MxModel, loadings, plot.MxModel, residuals.MxModel, umxCI_boot, umxCI, umxCompare, umxConfint, umxExpCov, umxExpMeans, umxFitIndices, umxPlotACEcov, umxPlotACEv, umxPlotACE, umxPlotCP, umxPlotGxE, umxPlotIP, umxSummaryACEv, umxSummaryACE, umx_drop_ok, umx_standardize_RAM


Run this code
latents  = c("G")
manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
m1 <- umxRAM("One Factor",
	data = mxData(cov(demoOneFactor), type = "cov", numObs = 500),
	umxPath(latents, to = manifests),
	umxPath(var = manifests),
	umxPath(var = latents, fixedAt = 1)
umxSummary(m1, showEstimates = "std")
# output as latex
umxSummary(m1, showEstimates = "std")
# output as raw
umxSummary(m1, show = "raw")
m1 <- mxModel(m1,
  mxData(demoOneFactor[1:100,], type = "raw"),
  umxPath(mean = manifests),
  umxPath(mean = latents, fixedAt = 0)
m1 <- mxRun(m1)
umxSummary(m1, showEstimates = "std", filter = "NS")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab