Learn R Programming

units (version 0.8-7)

cbind.units: Combine R Objects by Rows or Columns


S3 methods for units objects (see cbind).


# S3 method for units
cbind(..., deparse.level = 1)

# S3 method for units rbind(..., deparse.level = 1)



(generalized) vectors or matrices. These can be given as named arguments. Other R objects may be coerced as appropriate, or S4 methods may be used: see sections ‘Details’ and ‘Value’. (For the "data.frame" method of cbind these can be further arguments to data.frame such as stringsAsFactors.)


integer controlling the construction of labels in the case of non-matrix-like arguments (for the default method):
deparse.level = 0 constructs no labels;
the default deparse.level = 1 typically and deparse.level = 2 always construct labels from the argument names, see the ‘Value’ section below.


Run this code
x <- set_units(1, m/s)
y <- set_units(1:3, m/s)
z <- set_units(8:10, m/s)
(m <- cbind(x, y)) # the '1' (= shorter vector) is recycled
(m <- cbind(m, z)[, c(1, 3, 2)]) # insert a column
(m <- rbind(m, z)) # insert a row

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