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unittest (version 1.7-0)

ok_group: Group associated unit tests


Group associated unit tests with TAP compliant comments separating the output.


ok_group(message, tests = NULL)


Returns NULL.



Character vector describing this group. Will be printed as a comment before the tests are ran.


A code block full of tests.


Used to group a selection of tests together, for instance you may group the tests relating to a function together.

If the code within tests throws an unexpected exception execution of the code block will finish and a single test failure will be reported referencing the ok_group.

The functionality of an ok_group to catch unexpected errors implies that tests should not rely on setup from within an earlier code block. It can also be a useful practice to isolate the code block in a local environment.


Run this code
ok_group("Test addition", {
    ok(1 + 1 == 2, "Can add 1")
    ok(1 + 3 == 4, "Can add 3")

ok_group("Test subtraction", {
    ok(1 - 1 == 0, "Can subtract 1")
    ok(1 - 3 == -2, "Can subtract 3")

# Multiline group message
ok_group(c("Test multiplication", "but not division"),{
    ok(1 * 1 == 1, "Can multiply by 1")
    ok(2 * 3 == 6, "Can multiply by 3")

# Keep what happens in a group local
ok_group("Test addition of integers", local({
    x <- 1L; y <- 2L
    ok(x + y == 3L, "Can add integer variables")

# \dontshow{
  # Clear unittest result log, so our unittest failues don't fail example-building
# }

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